Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My first blog.

I've always wanted to keep a diary/record of everything that has happened to me throughout the years. Today I'll start with the story of seeing my first ghost as it catapulted me into the world of ghost hunting.

When I was 8 years old, my mom, step dad, and I moved into a townhouse in Garland, TX. There was nothing unusual about this townhouse, it was pretty basic. One night, my parents decided to do an extreme makeover on my bedroom. This included new carpet, paint, a new bed, etc. It was truly the most awesome room I'd ever seen in my 8 years of life lol. A few nights later, I woke up to a severe thunderstorm lashing at my bedroom window. I rolled over to get more comfortable and happened to glance at my mirror that was attached to the dresser in my room. In that mirror, I saw something that to this day, remains the clearest entity that I have ever seen. Let me see if I can explain this. It looked like dense smoke and clearly a human shape but with no legs. It was pitch black in my bedroom and yet this ghost emitted a sort of soft light that made it very easy to see. The eyes were just black holes and I could tell it was staring at me. I have to say, I was absolutely terrified. Never had I experienced anything like that before. As I was staring at this ghost through my mirror, my family dog started barking and growling in the direction of the ghost. I took this time to dart into the bathroom that connected my room to my parent's and then dart into their room. I slept on their floor for a good week haha. After that night, I would hear people calling my name and see odd occurrences almost every night. I asked my mom to take me to the store, got a notebook, and kept track of everything and anything that could be paranormal in nature. As the years went on, I got a recorder, EMF detector, digi thermometer, and other ghost hunting equipment. I later enlisted the help of my mom and friends during investiations but sometimes went solo. I believe that ghosts are intimiated by large groups and will be less likely to communicate.

I will be keeping a daily blog, stay tuned for more!

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Ghost Hunting Season

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