Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It was a dark and stormy night...

Your house just seems a bit creepier than usual during a storm, doesn't it? The boards creak a little more, shadows seem to bleed from the walls, and you swear you just heard your name being whispered from the closet. It's just the storm creeping you out, right? What if I told you that you have a legitimate reason to have the creeps during thunder storms?
First, let me tell you a little about something called EMF. EMF stands for electromagnetic field and ghosts feed on it in order to gain strength. Some ghost hunters use an EMF pump to push extra EMF into an already haunted location to increase the odds of gaining evidence of a haunting. Ghosts absorb it so an area where a ghost is located will likely have a high EMF reading as a result.
Let's get back to the storm. Lightening actually generates EMF and during storms, the atmosphere is crackling with it. Sometimes I like to sit outside on my balcony during a storm because you really can feel the power in the air. All of this EMF is soaked up by ghosts and thats when paranormal activity is likely to happen. It's a natural EMF pump!
So, next time you're home alone during a storm and you get the feeling that someone is watching you, they likely are.

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