Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The truth about ectoplasm

      I hope you're sitting down, because I'm about to burst your ectoplasmic bubble. Is that a word? Ectroplasmic? Let's pretend I didn't just make that up for the sake of this blog.
First a little history: Ectoplasm was "discovered" in the late 1800s and was described as a substance in which a medium excreted from an orifice (nose, mouth) during a seance. These mediums claimed that the ectoplasm was "light sensitive" and could only manifest in complete darkness. However, it was later discovered that the darkness created a shield in which the medium and her cohorts could place "ectoplasm" around her nose and mouth. It was usually made up of tissue paper or  a mixture of gelatin, soap, and egg whites. It sounds incredibly disgusting and probably pretty startling for the clients of said medium. The medium would also sometimes swallow a substance and regurgitate it during the seance and amaze her clients with her skill. So ectoplasm is a hoax? Yep. A pretty gross one, at that.
                                                 Sorry, Ghostbusters.

      With that said, I do believe that ghosts can sometimes leave behind traces of themselves within and on us. I like to call it "energy ectoplasm". This energy can leave behind an electrical slime, which sticks to our energy like paranormal glue. Once touched by a spirit, you know it absolutely. There's no mistaking the strange feeling you have after a brush with an entity that resides on the other side. It's almost as if the touched part of your body was transported to the dead realm. You feel as if you were electrocuted with a vibrating aftershock. That vibration can last for what feels like eons and lasts until you shed the energy that has made your body it's temporary home.

      So, no, ectoplasm doesn't exist in the traditional definition but it does exist in it's own certain way. Paranormal history, hoaxes included, is extremely fascinating. If you guys get a chance, definitely check it out.

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