Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"Can ghosts hurt people?"

I hear this question a lot either directed at me or someone else. More often than not, I'll hear someone answer that ghosts can not hurt people. I wonder why anyone with ghost experience would say that. People who ask are looking for an honest answer. Why lie? Ghosts can and have hurt people. They can push, slap, hit, or throw things at you. While its unlikely that they will kill you, it's critical to understand that ghosts are powerful. They don't just rattle chains and moan in attics. They have emotions and those emotions can range from loving to evil. Just like a living person. So should you, like I've seen people do, randomly go to a haunted location and provoke, don't be too shocked if you find yourself in a physical confrontation.
Have I been hit? Yes. I've been slapped in the face and it hurt just as much as if a living hand did it. I wasn't even provoking. I just came into contact with a hostile ghost. It happens.
I don't write this so people will be afraid. I just want people to understand that it *is* possible for a spirit to cause harm. I get a little annoyed when I hear people refer to themselves as "seasoned" ghost hunters and claim ghosts are harmless. It's irresponsibly inaccurate. Maybe they should do a bit of research before opening their mouths...and, no, watching Scooby Doo doesn't count as research.

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