Monday, June 4, 2012

Telling a spirit to leave.

This is something that has been driving me crazy lately. I hear someone talking about paranormal activity and someone who "knows it all" tells them that all they have to do is tell the spirit to leave. "Its just that simple. Duh"

No. It doesn't work like that. Do you think your voice is a ghost repellant and you can make them disappear by telling them to? A ghost doesn't care what you want or what you ask it to do. It doesn't bow to you. It will leave when it's ready or if it's even able.
I've heard some people tell some horrifying ghost story and then say, "Well, I told it to leave and I never had another problem."
Well, then.
Some people make themselves believe that their house is haunted. They will turn any sound, any shadow, into a ghost. They believe it so much that they've created an entire ghost story in their heads. Once they tell this "ghost" to leave, they now believe that it worked so their imagination no longer turns natural noises into something paranormal. If telling a ghost to leave works, it was probably just a product of your imagination.
If telling an entity to leave actually worked, people would have no cause to call paranormal investigators as a last resort. Don't you think those terrified people have tried asking it to leave a few hundred times? I know I tried that approach when I was little and it never worked. Nor has it worked for anyone I've ever spoken to or in any investigation I've been on. We are dealing with paranormal activity in our house right now and my mom kept asking it to leave her alone so she could sleep. What did it do? It got worse. Yep. Sounds like those people really know what they're talking about.

Ghost Hunting Season

          Like other types of hunters, paranormal investigators seem to have a "season" in which it's best to hunt. I know ...