Saturday, September 24, 2011

The new house

Yeah, I'm a total blog slacker. With the move and my munchkin starting to walk, who has the time? However, it's nap time (hers, not mine unfortunately) so I figured an update was in order. So about 3 weeks ago we moved into this house in a nice neighborhood of older homes (I'd say 40-50 years old) and it's beautiful. I saw the picture online and just knew it was the one. The first night here I was home alone with the munchkin while my husband packed up more stuff from the apartment to bring over. It was about 11:30ish and I heard banging and crashing coming from what would be my mom's room but she hadn't moved in yet. In fact, that room was totally empty. I looked inside but it was totally dark. Being an old house, there were actually no lights in the bedrooms. I tried to peer through the darkness but nothing. I chalked it up to an old house and started unpacking the living room. As I was unpacking, I heard footsteps in the attic, then in my mom's room, then about 2 feet away from me. Not being fully moved, I had no equipment. No recorder, no EMF detector, Frank's Box...nada. Having paranormal activity going on right next to you and not having your gear is a scary, helpless feeling. I knew it was there. It knew I knew it was there and yet, I had no real way to find out what it wanted. In the past, I would have engaged it, provoked, if I thought it necessary. But I was alone with a baby. It totally changes the game. So I ignored it and called my mom, the other half of my ghost hunting team. She's an ER nurse and luckily was awake and at work at the time. We talked until my husband got here and I told him what happened. Now, he's a huge skeptic. He doesn't quite get what I do but he accepts it. He decided I was probably jumpy in this big, old house and we went to bed.
Fast forward three weeks. We now know that this house definitely has activity. We have had things fall, candles rolled down our foyer and slammed into the front door, my mom's bed shook her awake, a portable wardrobe crashed to the ground. This one gets me. It was heavy, full of clothes, and it fell sideways. After it fell, I tested it. There are two heavy wheels on each side and one of them would have had to lift off the floor to make it fall. Upon trying to lift it, I couldn't. It was much too heavy. There is no way it just fell over. It had to be picked up. Even my husband admitted it had to have had some help from something strong to fall like that. We see shadow people, lights turn on and off, and the dogs growl and bark at what seems like nothing. The activity appears to be centered in my mom's room so tonight I'm setting up my digital recorder to see if I can catch an EVP. We know it's here. But what does it want? I'll update on my findings...

Ghost Hunting Season

          Like other types of hunters, paranormal investigators seem to have a "season" in which it's best to hunt. I know ...